Welcome to our
Queen's Jubilee Celebrations
Join us for a weekend of celebrations

Thursday 2nd June 2022
Villagers who have an arts or craft hobby are invited to showcase their talents in the Village Hall where refreshments will be served. The superb Open Studios will be running alongside this evert.
Friday 3rd June 2022
Village Hall Hog Roast and Bar from 6pm - Ticketed event to get into the party spirit - if anyone would like to help with organising music - play an instrument or have ideas about the entertainment please do let us know
Saturday 4th June 2022
Jubilee Afternoon Tea - ticketed event 2pm -4pm with a special Platinum Jubilee cake and a glass of bubbly!!
Residents Open Garden - 4pm onwards - Bramblehurst Open Garden (where the Quuen Mother and Queen Mary visited) in the beautiful surroundings. Visitors are welcome to enjoy tea/coffee or bring thier own refreshements and something to sit on to stay, chat and listed to background music.
Sunday 5th June 2022
Thanksgiving Services in the Church (normal worship times) and a glorious display of Jubilee flowers provided by villaes giving up their time to put creativity into flower arranging
Other Activities
70 years of Memories - share your stories. If you have any stories to share please contact David Carter on davidjcarts@gmail.com or Patrick Kelly on patrickkelly@btinternet.com.
The High Kelling Jubilee Trail - to take in all the Jubilee sights over this special weekend.
Celebrating the Queen's Platinum in Trees and Flowers
Please get in touch with Maureen Pearmanon mgabrielle.pearman@gmail.com or the Parish Council Clerk for more information